LSS Michigan-Lansing-MI

Best Local Lean Six Sigma Experts of Lansing, MI

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Determining the service required for your Lean Six Sigma needs in Lansing is not a hard task, but finding the experts or company that can provide you with it is another story. 6 Sigma experts and companies are actually common in the city and other locations in the state. But determining if the one you choose will deliver the services and results you expect is the difficult part.

For this, you need to consider the experience, years in the business, experts’ knowledge and rates, and the reputation of the company you are evaluating to determine if it is a good option or not. However, this will require time and dedication. Not weeks or months but a few days will need to be invested.

LSS Michigan-Lansing-MI

Now, here at Lean Six Sigma Experts of Michigan, we can provide you with all the proofs you need to decide to choose us as your experts for any task you have regarding the methodology. First, we have been in the field for over 11 years and during all this time, we have helped dozens of companies to implement Six Sigma but also have their workers trained. Besides, we do not care about organizations alone since schools and individuals are also part of the clients we want to help.

When you have a look at our services, you will notice that 6 Sigma consulting and training are the most common ones and requested. But solutions that include training high school students, getting certified, or accessing a specific belt in the methodology, are also available.

Choose the Best Service According to Your Needs

Although the methodology is the same, objectives and needs are not. Every company has different goals in mind and has to approach them differently despite using Lean Six Sigma. Individuals and students—on the other hand—do not need 6 Sigma for the same purposes since it is a commercial methodology that only businesses and organizations can implement.

Therefore, you need to evaluate your necessity and determine which one of the services we offer can handle it better:

  • Lean Six Sigma Consulting: it is perfect for companies that need to implement and start LSS projects to obtain results as fast as possible.
  • Lean Six Sigma Training: companies that want to train their workers or individuals that want to get introduced to the methodology should go for this option.
  • Lean Six Sigma Certification: after completing a training program, certification is required to demonstrate compliance and understanding, and to be able to fulfill the roles the new expert was trained for.
  • Lean Six Sigma for High School Students: getting yellow and green belt training—levels in LSS—helps students to develop valuable skills, have more career options, and complete their credits in the institution or school.

We also have specific programs based on the 3 main levels: yellow, green, and black. Training and certification are available for these three belts alone, and you can contact us if you have a specific interest in any of them. With that said, our doors are always open for any organization and resident in Lansing, thus, do not hesitate to contact us for more.

There are so many areas or regions where we offer these services with most of them being cities.

However, if you need any of these services, you need to contact us. The list below comprises the areas where we offer these services.